Thursday, March 17, 2011

東京に住んでいるウェブカメラ監視​​放射能。 / Live webcam monitoring radioactivity in Tokyo.

Free video streaming by Ustream

Storyful CitizenTube compilation edit of Japanese Earthquake Tsunami

Japan earthquake:Ofunato devastated by tsunami

Japan's attempts to fight the disaster

L'Empereur du Japon "profondément préoccupé"

Japan's Earthquake and Tsunami Early Warning System

Fresh footage of huge tsunami waves smashing town in Japan

Animated map of 300+ Japan earthquake aftershocks

3月11日地震 東京都スーパー店内の様子

Animación gráfica de los terremotos de Japón

Japan Prime Minister Kan addresses dire nuclear situation 15 March 2011

Japan Fukushima Second Nuclear Reactor Explosion From 8.9 Earthquake, Tsunami

2011 3/11 Tsunami Japan東北地方太平洋沖地震 福島県での津波

Dramatic footage of tsunami

Saturday, March 12, 2011

NASA SATELLITE IMAGES: Before and after the Tsunami




消息情報: 2011 日本地震 / Google Person Finder (japanese) (english)

White smoke billows from Fukushima nuclear power plant

Fukushima Reactor Meltdown in Japan?! - March 12, 2011

桜島ライブカメラ 2011-03-11 21-19 X1HD Volcano Sakurajima

Explosion at Fukushima Nuclear Power Station?

Trains being moved by the Earthquake - 2011.3.11 東北地方太平洋沖地震(福島駅)

March 11, 2011 Honshu tsunami propagation

Video of mad tsunami waves battering ships, homes, cars after Japan earthquake

Japan earthquake: CCTV video of tsunami wave hitting Sendai airport

Japan declares Nuclear Emergency after earthquake - 日本は地震後の原子力緊急事態を宣言

Japan's Chernobyl? Radiation pressure fears at Fukushima plant

F14 ECCS operated Fukushima Nuclear Plant. 20110311FNN緊急報道特番-14

Full NHK Footage from TVE (Spanish and Japanese)

Un fortísimo terremoto de 8,9 grados en la escala Ritcher sacude Japón

Tsunami Alert Zone Map

View Terremoto en Japón in a larger map

Earthquake in the railway station: 東北・関東大地震発生時のJR関内駅/神奈川新聞(カナロコ)

Earthquake in the supermarket: 東京 地震 2011年3月11日 赤坂bizタワー 1

東北地方太平洋沖地震 東京23区内にて 2011年3月11日 14:46~

Akasaka Tokyo - 東京 地震 2011年3月11日 赤坂bizタワー 

Skyscrapers moving: 東北・関東大地震。揺れる新宿の高層ビル 2011年3月11日

CNN: Tsunami from the sky arriving to the japanese coast

CNN Images of Tsunami destruction

Japan Earthquake moments

Japan Earthquake caught on Cam (Okinawa)

NHK via AP (more shocking images from the Japan Earthquake)

Footage from RT: Refinery fire

Footage from NHK